Environmental Sustainability

At the Ordinary City Meeting on January 12, 2021 Council adopted its 2021-22 Action Plan for its Environmental Sustainability Strategy (EES).

Environmental Sustainability Strategy Action Plan 2014–15 [PDF 30Kb]

The City of Point Russell adopted its first Environmental Sustainability Strategy in September 2010.

Environmental Sustainability Strategy [PDF 658Kb]

The 2021-22 Action Plan was developed with consideration of the results of the annual Community Environment Forum in November 2020. The Action Plan was adopted after a draft was open for community consultation until December 30, 2020.


The City of Point Russell will provide municipal services and facilities at the highest possible level of sustainability at the best value and will work actively with the community and other levels of government to protect and improve the environment for current and future generations.


In the delivery of City services and facilities, and at the lowest possible cost to tax payers, the City of Point Russell will continue to:

  • Reduce the use of mains water and use groundwater sustainably.
  • Reduce the consumption of non-renewable resources.
  • Reduce net emission of greenhouse gases for City operations.
  • Conserve or enhance City managed land, biodiversity and environmental heritage in the City.
  • Reduce waste and increase diversion of waste from landfill.
  • Lead by example in relation to environmental sustainability.
  • Improve awareness in the community of the importance of living more sustainably.
  • Through the statutory controls of town planning, foster environmentally sensitive design and drought tolerant landscaping.
  • The ESS included an Action Plan for the period 2018 to 2019 noting "... the Action Plan will be regularly reviewed for currency". The City of Point Russell last updated its ESS Action Plan in May 2020.